Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Lets sart with Eiti

I know a girl, With an alien name....
Who'll certainly get her place In the Hall of Fame!!
Music's her passion Rock being first love...
Her smile so innocent N eyes like a dove...
Looks like a bug without no wing...
U will trust me If you hear her sing!!
Likes Nirvana Metallica all rock so loud...
Link her with Beckham n shes on the 9th cloud.
Like tall guyz Short hair n lean...
Calls me Phoebe n heself Rachael Green!!
Micheal Schumacher is of whom she dreams,
Along with chocolates Candies n Ice creams!!
Clear about her goals, determined n crude
Born optimist with a winners attitude..
Akshat Nauriyal was her first crush
But when she heard **** sing she did blush[;)]!!
You must have guessed who could she be...
with all these qualities its gotta be ET(eiti) !!

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